
Eva is very flexible and easy to configure.

If you have Web UI Plugins enabled, you can configure each individual plugin from the Web UI instead of managing config files on disk.


The core of Eva can be configured through the eva.conf file.

You can find this configuration file in any of the following locations:

  • ~/eva.conf
  • ~/.eva.conf
  • ~/eva/eva.conf
  • /etc/eva.conf
  • /etc/eva/eva.conf

If you can’t find the configuration file, Eva is most likely using all default options for your installation. You can simply create the file in any of the locations mentioned above and Eva will pick up your settings on next restart.

Here is the contents of the Eva specification file (eva/eva.conf.spec) which outlines the different configuration options available:

# The git-accessible repo that holds all the available Eva plugins for download.
plugin_repository = string(default='')

# The local path where the plugin_repository will be stored on disk.
plugin_repo_path = string(default='/tmp/eva-plugin-repository')

# The local directory holding all existing (and downloaded) plugins.
plugin_directory = string(default='~/eva/plugins')

# The local directory holding all plugin configurations.
config_directory = string(default='~/eva/configs')

# The list of enabled plugins - dependencies will be handled by Eva on boot.
enabled_plugins = force_list(default=list('web_ui_plugins', 'web_ui_updater'))

# The namespace used for logging.
log_name = string(default='eva')

# The logging level.
log_level = option('CRITICAL', 'ERROR', 'WARNING', 'INFO', 'DEBUG', default='INFO')

# The MongoDB username.
username = string(default='')

# The MongoDB password.
password = string(default='')

# The MongoDB host where Eva's database will be held.
host = string(default='localhost')

# The MongoDB port used to access Eva's database.
port = integer(default=27017)

# The MongoDB database name for Eva.
database = string(default='eva')


See the ConfigObj documentation for more details on the specification file syntax.

An example configuration file could look like this:

plugin_directory = /etc/eva/plugins
config_directory = /etc/eva/configs
enabled_plugins = web_ui_plugins, web_ui_updater, weather

log_level = DEBUG

host =
username = myusername
password = mypassword
database = my_eva


All Eva plugins have the option of supplying a specification file to allow users to configure different behaviour for their installation.


The plugin specification file must be named after the plugin name. If a plugin is named my_plugin, the specification file must be in the root of the plugin directory and named my_plugin.conf.spec.

When a plugin is enabled, Eva will scan the config_directory for a matching config file for that plugin. If one is found, the configuration values are validated through the plugin’s specification file, loaded, and made available to all the plugins. The values can be accessed through the conf singleton.

For example, the Weather plugin has the following entries in it’s specification file (weather.conf.spec):

darksky_api_key = string(default='')
location = string(default='')
latitude = float(-90.0, 90.0)
longitude = float(-180.0, 180.0)
metric = boolean(default=True)


See the ConfigObj documentation for more details on the specification file syntax.

This means that if the weather plugin is enabled, all plugins (include weather) can access those configuration options like so:

from eva import conf
location = conf['plugins']['weather']['config']['location']

Not all that exciting as the location is set to an empty string by default. However, if a file named weather.conf is in the Eva config directory (default is ~/eva/configs), Eva will pull in those values when loading the plugin:

# Making sure the weather plugin knows where I am.
location = 'Ottawa, Ontario, Canada'

Now the location variable from above will contain the value ‘Ottawa, Ontario, Canada’.